Amber Billingsley
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The numinous speaks to us through infinite channels - through the language of art and music; metaphor and symbol; memory and dream; archetype and image. There are endless ways. The language of Tarot speaks to me in a way in which I experience Spirit clearly. I feel that Tarot is a powerful tool in helping us tap into the flow of all that connects us. It is a tool to help us see ourselves more clearly, to assist us in navigating the waters of this wild existence. It is an honor for me to be of service to others in working within this medium.
I have felt the power of subtle energies as long as I can remember. As a child I was able to tune into the realm of Spirit with ease, and my fascination with the mystical grew as I grew. I loved seeing the way we are all connected, every being on this planet, through the expansive experiences I had in nature, art, poetry, music, ritual, and cooking. I received my first Tarot deck, Tarot of the Cat People, at Golden Braid in my teens, and became charmed by the world contained there. Years later, I began my career in food and cooking at the Oasis Café, and through that received amazing insights and connection with the readers I met at The Golden Braid.
Over the decades since then I have honed my skills as a Pastry Chef, Craft Herbalist, and teacher. I’ve deepened my study of Tarot, taking years to fine tune my intuition in this medium. I’ve had the pleasure of working in relationship with plants and the natural world. I’ve come to understand that cooking is alchemy, that all recipes are spells, and delicious and nourishing results come from a spell done with care and intention.
I’ve had the good fortune to travel to many beautiful places and explore the world outside of my native Salt Lake City. I’ve lived in the California’s Bay Area, New Orleans, and Red Lodge, Montana, and have returned home to Utah with an awareness that, at our core, we all desire the same things: love, safety, connection.
It is a sense of coming full circle to be here at The Golden Braid all these years later, and I feel joyful in offering my services to others in their journey to self-discovery and empowerment. I have a deep appreciation for all those who trust me to guide them through the healing power of working with Tarot.